Watch IBMs Planning Analytics Demo to find out what it is all about.
TM1 is the database behind IBM Planning Analytics, it is a functional database which gives it the power your enterprise is looking for to achieve your data goals. Calculations are made in memory and returned instantly.
TM1 enables your business to create models building in the complex requirements that are what makes you unique while maintaining control and visibility.
TM1 allows collaborative working, many users can contribute to the model at the same time enabling an enterprise plan to be created at speed. Data input by users is instantly available to all.
The TM1 database is scalable, your business has the choice to interconnect the different business areas so for example sales targets and manufacturing volumes become dependent upon each other. Applying TM1 throughout your business achieves a single source of the truth, containing all business logic, providing trustworthy information for decision making.
It is possible to start small and build up your model at your own pace incorporating new areas as you are ready.
Excel is a tool that is widely used in business and well understood but has its limitations. TM1 enables users to access the database through a spreadsheet add-in, providing an intuitive interface to give them the power to analyse their data in an environment that they feel comfortable with.
There are several ways that TM1 can be deployed. IBM provide cloud hosting, it can be hosted in a company cloud or on premise.

IBM Planning Analytics is IBMs product which uses TM1 as it’s database. Planning Analytics provides extra tools including Planning Analytics Workspace which is available to all users. It gives plenty of options for different charts and visualisations, enabling beautiful dashboards to be created linking directly to your TM1 database. TM1 can also be used as a source for IBM Cognos Analytics which is a powerful dashboarding tool infused with AI.